Snehana (Massage)

Snehana (Massage)
Poorva Karma : Pre-operative therapeutics

1. Snehana - Oleation therapy
2. Swedana - Fomentation therapy

Before the use of Snehana and Swedana Pachana i.g. digestive and also Agni promoting treatment is introduced.

Paschat Karma :
Post operative Therapeutics.

Samsasarjana Karma the method of dietetic to restore Agni
Shamana Karma Sedative Type of Treatment
Rasayana Karma Promotive Type of Treatment

Poorva Karma : Pre-operative Treatment – should start 7 days before main panchakarma i.e. Pradhan Karma

1. Snehana - Oleation therapy

It is of two types : (1) Internal (2) External

Internal : means oral use of oily substances. There are mainly four substances which are used in common practice.

1. Ghrita - Ghee

2. Taila - Oil

3. Vasa - Muscle fat

4. Majja - Marrow

How to Adminster Ghee

Shamana Method : every day in medium dose 20 to 30 ml. before meals but when hungry.

Brihmana Method : every day with dietetic substance in low does 10 to 20 ml.

Shodhana Method : For elimination-ghee is given in large dose starting from low dose in beginning. Usually 3 to 7 days-it is used as indicated below with every day examination of stool, tongue and noting the time of hunger.

3 Days Programme 7 Days Programme

1st day - 25 ml. (Approximately) morning 8 A. M.
2nd day - 50 ml. morning 8 A. M.
3rd day - 80 to 100 ml. morning 8 A. M.
4th day Shodhana is followed.

1st day - 20 to 30 ml. (Approximately)
2nd day - 50 to 60 ml.
3rd day - 60 to 80 ml.
4th day - 80 to 100 ml.
5th day - 100 to 125 ml.
6th day - 125 to 150 ml.
7th day - 150 to 175 ml. or + plust

This can be varied according to Agni and intake and Samyaka Snigdha signs and symptoms.

(2) External : Means the sneha which is used on body externally through the skin. – i.e. called Abhyanga

Use of Abhyanga ( Snehan / Oil massage )

Abhyanga is used :-

  • To delay old age

  • To release fatigue

  • Releaves vata problem

  • Releaves pain in the body

  • Increases the capacity of eyes

  • Promotes all tissues-increases body strength

  • Adds years to life and life to years

  • Brings normal sleep

  • Strengthens skin

  • Protects skin from infection

  • Increases immunity

  • Beneficial to skin colour