Our Events:

We always conduct various types of camps in different places of Maharashtra.

Height Increase Camp

This camp is conducted to increases the height of age group from 6 years to 25 years in male & 6 years to 21 years for female.

In this camp, we are giving medicines, advising some stretching excises, as well as diet restrictions. This is mainly for one month.

In this main Height Increase Course, medicine should be taken in the specific manner with the cow’s milk. Here patient should increase the cow’s milk day by day till the end of one month. i.e. From Half Litter to 2 & Half Litter (According to the age)

According to experience, during one course of medicine, height increases from 1/4 cms. to 3 inches. The medicine not only works on bones but also has its effect on all the body constituents. The effect of this medicine is seen is 1 to 4 months since taking the medicine.

This medicine is beneficial for personality development, to succeed in different competitive entrance exam. And for those children with heredity of less height & above all it over comes the inferiority complex of the person.

Such types of camps are conducted in all over Maharashtra state since last 20 years. Thousands of people are taken benefit of our camp.

Many people who are going to join the Police / Army are taking benefit of this height increase course.

Infertility Camps

For all type of causes in both male and female infertility.

E.g. Female:

Unovulatory cycles / Polycystic ovarian disease / Fallopian tubal block / Endometriosis / Infantile Uterus / Uterine Fibroid / Hormonal Imbalance etc.


Severe Oligospermia / Azoospermia / Atrophic testicles / Vericocode etc.

Bad Obstetric History like repeated abortions, late age pregnancy etc.

Antinatal Guidance Camp

Antinatal (Pregnancy) care camp:

Here we advise about food according to Ayurved. Also exercises, Pranayam, Spiritual mantra and special medicines according to growth of foetus.

By this we are also treating problems arising in the pregnancy like :-

  • Abortion
  • Premature birth
  • Intermittent PV bleeding with pregnancy
  • Pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)
  • To avoid congenital anomalies of foetus
  • To avoid cesserian section (giving medical aid time and labour progress until normal delivery)

Massage Camps

We conduct different types of massage camps like: -

  • Neonatal massage: - We are giving scientific education of neonatal massage in this camp to mother and her relative.

  • Post delivery massage: - It is necessary to give proper medicated oil massage to delivered woman. For two months for body healing & to avoid vatavyadhi in future. E.g. Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Spondylosis, Lumbago, Muscular atrophy etc.

Hence we conduct these camps to give proper education to the relatives and masseur.

  • Disease wise massage camp:

    We are conducting special massage camps for various diseases like:-

    1. Paralysis
    2. Arthritis
    3. Degenerative changes in the joints and osteoporosis
    4. Spondylosis – cervical / Thoracic / Lumber
    5. Disc prolapsed
    6. Muscular Atrophy, Poliomyelitis
    7. Accidental injury
    8. Muscle wasting due to prolong used plaster
    9. Hypertension
    10. Hair loss
    11. Ligamentum tear
    12. Dislocation of joint – After reduction of joint
    13. Obesity massage – to reduce the weight
    14. Massage for relaxation purpose
    15. Massage for beauty treatment

Skin disease camp

In these camps we advise proper diet pattern along with medical treatment for various skin disorders like:-

  • Scabies
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Acene problem
  • Leucoderma
  • Eczema etc.

Memory and brain power enhancing camps

These are especially for exam going students and persons having a stress in their profession.

Panchakarma Camp

To maintain the health and to cure a disease we arrange

Vasantik Vaman Camp

In vasant Ritu i.e. in February, March, April of every year.

Shardeeya Virechan Camp

In sharad Rutu i.e. in September and October month of every year.